Cheap Nexium

Cheap Nexium

Nexium is a specific inhibitor of the proton pump of parietal cells of gastric mucous layer. It is the S-isomer form of omeprazole. Bioaccumulates and is transformed into an active state in the secretory tubules, which inhibits the proton pump (enzyme H + K +-ATPase), thereby developing inhibition of secretion of hydrochloric acid. The drug takes effect within 60 minutes after taking 20-40 mg of esomeprazole. Repeated application of esomeprazole 20 mg in 24 hours 1 time a day accompanied by a reduction of gastric secretion caused by the action of pentagastrin by 90% for about 5 days of reception. At a dose of 40 mg is effective for the treatment of reflux esophagitis. Used to treat ulcers of the gastric mucosa and duodenal ulcers, in combination with a suitable antibiotic can achieve a better effect eradication Helicobacter pylori (90%).As a rule, the complex treatment of peptic ulcer after taking antibiotics is not a need to continue ant secretory immunotherapy. Nexium is used only for internal use; the tablets should be swallowed without chewing, drink some water.
If any function of swallowing can place a tablet in water (100 ml, non-carbonated) and drink immediately after dissolving the tablets (or 30 minutes).Other solutions (tea, milk) absolutely cannot use - it can damage the coating of tablets. Once the liquid is drunk, you must also take a glass of water, use the same glass. In the extreme case when the swallowing function expressed violations must be entered Nexium through a tube (NG). Very little data on the use of esomeprazole in pregnant women, and the drug is prescribed with caution. In clinical trials revealed no embryotoxic and teratogenic effects Nexium, the impact on family process and child bearing, the rate of postnatal life.
Clinical studies have shown that while taking the drug content of gastrin in the blood increases in response to reduced production of hydrochloric acid. Increasing the number of endocrine is cells that produce histamine, thereby increasing the concentration of gastrin in the blood.In some cases an increase in the incidence of granular cysts of the gastric mucosa during long-term use of antisecretory drugs. This phenomenon is regarded as a physiologic response to inhibition of production of hydrochloric acid. Cysts are benign and always transient (after treatment disappears). You can purchase a drug in any of the online pharmacies, selecting a suitable offer from you the price of Nexium and most convenient method of delivery.