Buy Strattera 40 mg

Strattera 40 mg (Atomoxetine 40 mg) does not concern psychostimulants and is not to amphetamine derivatives. A withdrawal it does not become perceptible. Strattera is the trade name of a prescription drug also known as atomoxetine. It is a medication that has been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD. It is available in the form of hydrochloride salt of atomexetine, which is a norepineprhine reuptake inhibitor. The medication is sold by Eli Lilly and Company. To date there is no generic available for Strattera as it is under patent until 2017. You can order Strattera online it will be cheaper than the usual drugstore. This gradual dosing is beneficial because it will help to diminish the side effects that may occur if the full dosage was taken right away.
The medication is most commonly offered in 10, 18, 25, 40, and 60 mg doses. In some markets Strattera is also available in 80 and 100 mg dosages. The drug was studied in the trials, which involved more than 4,000 children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).The efficacy of Strattera in the treatment of ADHD was established in 6 randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled trials lasting 6.9 weeks. Signs and symptoms of ADHD were evaluated by comparing the mean changes from the start and end points for patients receiving the drug Strattera and placebo. In each of the 6 studies with statistical significance demonstrated the predominance of the effectiveness of atomoksetina over placebo on reducing the signs and symptoms of ADHD.
In the absence of the patient's satisfactory clinical response when using the drug Strattera as a single daily dose may be recommended to use 2 times a day with a uniform distribution of dose in the morning and late afternoon or early evening.In addition, the effectiveness of atomoksetina about the impact of symptoms was demonstrated in 1-year placebo-controlled trial with more than 400 patients, which were performedmainly in Europe (about 3 months of open acute treatment followed by 9 months of double-blind, placebo-controlled maintenance treatment).The proportion of patients with relapse at 1 year was 18.7% and 31.4% (atomoksetin and placebo, respectively). Treatment should be a specialist in treating ADHD. The diagnosis must meet the criteria of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders IV revision (DSM-IV) or the basic principles of ICD-10. It is intended for oral use. Drug can be used as a single daily dose in the morning with or without food.