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Sex is often called a memorable or breathtaking, and for some people it really is so. A few days ago at Georgetown University Hospital have brought the 54-year-old patient, in which the events of recent days completely erased from memory. Amnesia covered the woman after her and her husband to have sex.

It was a rare amnesia in which memory is suddenly turned off for a while.

Patients with symptoms usually do not suffer from them - the memory is returned to them within a few hours. Yes, and there are such people scattered only 3-5 per hundred thousand. However, the most unpleasant in this disease is that its nature has not been elucidated.

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"We do not know about the causes of global amnesia in transition, - says Sebastian Amerizo, a neuroscientist at the Institute of Neurological Disorders in Buenos Aires. - It causes panic, but it has nothing to do with stroke or other event leading to brain damage. This is encouraging."

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The PGA is not only sex, but any other physical activity. In the fall risk people aged 50-60 years, while, interestingly, most of them have memory loss happens only once. Typically, amnesia has antiretrogradny nature, that is, patients do not remember what happened to them after the "hit". Sometimes observed in patients with transient retrograde amnesia - memory is erased from their memories of the past. In the case of a 54-year old patient amnesia "ate" her last day - after sex at her forgetfulness was attacked and the ensuing awkwardness.

Magnetic resonance and computed tomography showed no abnormalities: the patient's brain was not damaged.

Anyway, for a time, until it was examined, all the symptoms have virtually disappeared.

The root of the problem, as doctors decided probably not worth it to look in the head and neck. A year earlier Amerizo not personally familiar with the case of a 54-year-old American, and colleagues conducted a study in which 142 patients had no problems with memory, at least during the last week, did sonogram of the neck. About 80 percent of the volunteers showed up valve insufficiency jugular vein. On this vein blood comes from the brain, which she gave oxygen to the heart and valves prevent back flow of blood to the head. If the valves do not work well, the blood goes in the opposite direction.

The most likely explanation for the causes of the PGA is to increase the pressure in the abdominal area.

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This happens precisely when having sex, as well as weight lifting and defecation. Increasing the pressure makes the blood flowing from the brain to the heart - she, by contrast, rises in the jugular vein, but because of the lack of valves, fall wherever should not fall. Poor blood oxygen accumulates in the veins leading to the brain, particularly those that lead to the central regions of gray matter, which plays a key role in memory formation. The result is a temporary amnesia.

Version sounds plausible; it is the only drawback is only that it does not explain why the majority of patients PGA only happen once in a lifetime. Sex is something citizens are engaged in more frequently.