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A lot of men have problems with their erection that is why we are giving you this article. It should help you in gaining some information on the problem of erectile dysfunction. We will show you some ways how to improve your erection.

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Millions of men across the globe are set to one question: How to increase an erection? Often the problem is not only personal but also goes beyond the family circle - the man can no longer feel as confident as ever. Its authority is undermined, all falls out of hand, things do not go, he thinks only of why exactly is it? Why now?

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But the reason for the deterioration of potency on the surface, and the first decrease in libido is to blame you! Do you have a sedentary job? Constant stress due to lack of time? When you were last in the gym? And for all the family picnic out of town?

The main reason for your aggrieved dignity - is the lack of movement! Exercise, active living and healthy eating - that's what helps you cope with unexpected misfortune!

Reduced potency is the result of impaired blood circulation in the pelvic area. In this area, as we know, are all male reproductive organs, and if the blood comes to him with faults, the reduced level of production of sex hormones, which in turn leads to problems with potency.

Improve blood circulation to help regular exercise, recreation and systematic hardening of the body, are particularly useful in this regard, swimming, long hikes, runs, not too heavy weight training and yoga.

Erection directly depends on the health of the cardiovascular system: blood vessels healthy - a healthy erection. If the vessels are prone to atherosclerosis, or clogged with plaque - you can forget about healthy sexual potency. Clean the vessels again, regular exercise can help.

Constant stress can also affect your sex life. Decreased sex drive in both men and women is a consequence of frequent and prolonged stress. Fitness provides an excellent opportunity for positive charge and the time off from pressing problems, regardless of the type of training - it could be a workout in the fitness center, aqua aerobics, tennis, soccer, the most important thing that this activity was to your liking.

Increase erection can not debug the main problem in the closet, hoping to traditional medicine and modern medicine - health for you and your loved ones in your hands!