Befar (Alprostadil) is the world�s first topical treatment for erectile dysfunction. Introduced in 2001, Befar cream is marketed as a �safer� and �quicker� treatment for impotence than Viagra (Alprostadil was available years before the popular blue pill).
Befar is applied about 10 to 15 minutes before intercourse directly in the orifice of the urethra, as opposed to other Alprostadil-based male enhancement medications which are administered via injection or by inserting urethral pellets.
Befar usually takes effect within five to 10 minutes after application, with the effects lasting for about an hour. It paved the way for the next generation of male enhancement creams with newer formulations.
Ingredients at a Glance
Alprostadil is a prostaglandin (hormone-like substance) that helps relax certain muscles in the penis and widens blood vessels. These actions increase the flow of blood to the penis, which is crucial in achieving an erection. Alprostadil was approved by the FDA as an erectile dysfunction treatment in 1996.
In clinical trials, the most common Alprostadil side effects include urinary tract pain, burning sensation, and redness at the application area. Other reported side effects include headaches, dizziness, and palpitations.
* Convenient delivery method � direct application to specific area
* Used when needed
* No pills means lesser chance of interaction with other drugs
* Discounts on multiple tubes
* Some men may find the direct application to the urethra awkward
* Product is heat sensitive, has to be kept in a cool place, and needs to be refrigerated after 30 days
* Not free from side effects and may interact with other medications
Final Thoughts
Convenience is Befar�s main benefit as a male enhancement product. You only use it when you need it. But when you do need it, it has to be close at hand, which may be a hassle since Befar needs to be stored in a cool place. Once damaged by heat, Alprostadil is no good to you.
While some consumers may have found it effective, we won�t give Befar the thumbs up because like other impotence drugs, it does not address the underlying causes of male sexual dysfunction. It may help you achieve an erection but you�d be better off trying the newer topical male enhancement products or taking a natural male enhancement supplement that helps improve your overall sexual health.