ProSolution pills is the male enhancement supplement component of the two-step ProSolution penis �health system,� which, according to the manufacturer, World Niche Herbals, was created to deal with four major male sexual health concerns, specifically: small penis size, low sex drive, poor erection quality, and insufficient stamina and orgasm control.
The manufacturer encourages prospective customers to try the ProSolution male enhancement system for six months, supposedly risk-free, in order to achieve the best results. But should you put your money on this male enhancer? Read on and be the judge.
Ingredients at a Glance
The ProSolution male enhancement formula claims to impact both physical and psychological factors that influence sex drive and is based on �decades of medical research and centuries of naturopathy around the world.�
ProSolution features two trademarked compounds: Solidilin and Drilizen. The manufacturer does not reveal much about these two compounds. According to the product�s website, Solidilin contains L-Dopa, the precursor of dopamine, the neurotransmitter that controls your brain�s reward and pleasure centers. Food and sex trigger the release of dopamine, which is why it is believed to help improve sex drive. An animal study conducted in Malaysia supposedly showed that Solidilin help enhanced sexual qualities.
Drilizen, on the other hand, is �a proprietary herbal formulation that increases nitric oxide.� This herbal formula most likely contains L-arginine, as the website indicates that Drilizen contains �a protein amino acid that is the precursor to nitric oxide in the body.� Drilizen also helps boost testosterone production as it contains protodioscin, a natural steroidal compound found in the aphrodisiac herb Tribulus Terrestris, which is also used in most male enhancement supplements.
The ProSolution male enhancement formula also contains the Ayurvedic herbs Amla, Arjuna, Curculigo, and Shatavari; Apigenin, Bladderwack, Cassia, Cordyceps, Momordica, Reishi Mushroom, Safflower, and Zinc Oxide. The Ayurvedic herbs by themselves can form a sexual tonic. Apigenin helps support cardiovascular health. Bladderwrack helps maintain healthy sex hormone levels by supporting thyroid health and regulating cholesterol. Cordyceps is an aphrodisiac mushroom that triggers testosterone production. Cassia and Safflower help improve blood circulation. Momordica or bitter melon, helps boost testosterone levels. Reishi is another aphrodisiac mushroom while Zinc Oxide helps promote healthy sperm.
* Unique formulation for male enhancement
* Free shipping plus six-month return guarantee
* Free semen enhancer and �gel performance enhancer� if you order special packages
* Expensive but provides no free trial
* Does not contain Epimedium and other traditional aphrodisiacs
* Recommended by a doctor who seems to endorse every other male enhancement supplement
ProSolution seems to provide a �professional male enhancement solution� with its uniquely-formulated male enhancement supplement and penis enhancement exercise program. We understand that Solidilin and Drilizen are proprietary compounds, but since they have already been patented, why not reveal their components? When the health of an important body part or system is at stake, consumers should know exactly what the pills they�re popping contain. ProSolution is pricey and is marketed to upsell other male enhancement products, particularly the gel and volume pills.