Enlast is marketed as a sexual aid and a premature ejaculation intervention. According to the official website, Enlast �uses FDA-approved ingredients� that slow the onset of ejaculation.
Different from other male enhancement products, Enlast is a topical medicine, which may appeal to men who are on the fence about taking oral supplements. We will list down Enlast�s ingredients and see how its formulation compares to other natural penis-enhancing products in the market.
Ingredients at a Glance
Muira Puama (potency wood) is the main ingredient of Enlast. Its bark and root are traditionally used in the Rio Negro area of South America as a sexual dysfunction treatment.
Another ingredient is Huanarpo Macho, which is prominently used in herbal medicine systems in Peru as an aphrodisiac and sexual tonic. There is some evidence supporting Huanarpo Macho�s mechanism of action � increasing the production of norepinephrine, which is essential in maintaining erectile function.
Enlast also contains L-arginine, a popular fitness supplement component, praised for its ability to enhance fat metabolism. It can also act as a precursor to nitric oxide, a compound that can ease blood flow into constricted extremities.
* Product is 100 percent compatible with latex condoms
* Product comes in a handy, non-glass bottle
* Website offers discounts when multiple bottles are purchased
* Product should be taken with another male supplement to complete its potential
* Product should be reformulated to include more potent ingredients like Yohimbe
* Website claims thousands of satisfied customers but only two testimonials are prominently displayed on the homepage
Final Thoughts
Doubtless, Enlast is an easy to use male enhancement product but does it work as well as its manufacturers claim? Yes, but the effects vary from one user to another. Ingredients such as L-arginine and Muira Puama are known to help men perform better in the bedroom. However, we are convinced that as a sexual aid, Enlast is just a lubricant, with some effects on premature ejaculation. In all honesty, it�s difficult to give glowing recommendations for a hit or miss product, when there are other products (better ones) that deliver more bang for a customer�s buck.